Safe & Green Event and Yankee News
This is nuclear disaster season: Fukushima March 11, Three Mile Island March 28, Chernobyl April 26. On May 6, 1979 almost 100,000 people marched on Washington DC, calling for an end of nuclear power and promoting renewables. Some of you were there to hear Joni Mitchell sing “paved paradise and put up a nuclear hot spot.” (Read more here
Since that time, not one new reactor generated power & waste in the US! To celebrate, join us at the opening reception of “TAKING POWER” photo exhibit at the Green Fields Market, Main Street, Greenfield MA on Tuesday May 6 from 5:00 to 7:00pm.
Forty years of anti-nuclear protests beautifully captured in photographs by Lionel Delevingne, David Shaw and Cate Woolner will be shown through May 30.
We had a fabulous opening for the exhibit last September, soon after Vermont Yankee’s closure announcement. On May 6th we mark not only the anniversary of a successful anti-nuclear protest but the death spiral of the nuclear industry in the US.