Event Type: Adult Program
Date: 3/19/2015
Start Time: 7:00 PM
End Time: 8:30 PM
Description: French-American photographer, Lionel DeLevingne, has been documenting the anti-nuclear movement since the early
1970s. He will discuss his work as a photojournalist, specifically as documented in his book “To the Village: From Montague to Fukushima. His work will be on display in the Helderberg Room in February. Area photographers gather to discuss work they are doing and to share information about how to improve their work. This is an open forum, with occasional special guest photographers. All are invited to bring their work to share and also their questions. Bring work on memory cards, USB drives, CDs. The groups meets the 3rd Thursday of each month, except December and August.
Location: Normanskill (Small) Meeting Room Contact: Margaret Lanoue